Dannon Light and Fit
3 things you need to know about me:
--I am loud
--No one knows what ethnicity I am
--My feet smell worse than anything you could have ever imagined
things I would rather be doing than sitting at this desk and wasting my life away:
--playing with my pug
--Eating cheese Doritos and watching the movie Clue
--Smoking a cigarette--Nah....
--Drinking a mimosa and some swanky hotel and eating a warm Croissant
3 things I am most proud of:
--My education
--My quit of smoking cigarettes
--My fiance. He is the best, and I am so proud of him.
5 people that have influenced my life:
--My Gramma
--My Aunt Yolanda
--A WOman from the bay area
--Mr. Lemos my 10th grade English teacher
--A woman I once met on a train out to Boston
Congratulations on the quitting, Nancoi! Hang in there, kiddo! "Flames, flames."
Randi, at 11:42 AM
"breathing breath, heaving breasts! i hated her sooo much, it's like flames, flames on the sides of my face."
Well played. Well played, indeed.
Coodence, at 3:48 PM
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