Nancy Gurl, a place of boredom and wonder!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

There is no truth.......

This author dude lied in his memoir. A shame really.
Yet, for most people, especially me, that's practically the story of my life! I love
to make my friends laugh and if the climax of my story can pop a steriod, so be it.
My true friends know I am essentric, in short, that I love to see their eyes twinkle with delight. I have been called weird, crazy, a lunatic, certainly a drama queen.
Why split hairs if the guy got arrested once and was nice or three times and he was a ruff neck (ha!!!) I think most people disagree with me, but the whole thing can be equated to a glass of good red wine. SCENERIO: If I go to pour you a glass of red wine and tell you its from my world famous cellar in Tibet and you sip the sweet grape nectar of the gods and say to yourself "YEE HAW! THAT's GOOD GRAPE JUICE" only to learn later that it was Gato Negro $7.00 a bottle cheesy garb, does the wine taste any less wonderful? Was the experience for you less delightful.

The question of the day is: what is the Truth? Is Katie realy pregnant? Have you seen her in person? Is the President telling us what really happened four years ago? Do you really think the guy at the bar thinks you are the most beautiful women/man in the world?
How do I cure the common cold again? Do you really have work to do and you cannot take that call right now? Do you and your mate really have plans on Saturday? Was that movie really fucking phenominal/terrible. See? It's all drama.

Alas, don't publish your story unless its your story. Oprah will bite your face off and eat you with a nice chianti.


  • Regardless of truth, that was a good book. Perhaps shouldn't have been sold as a memoir but whatevs.

    By Blogger Randi, at 1:53 PM  

  • nancy gurrrl you've been tagged. Check my blog for info.

    By Blogger Max, at 12:48 AM  

  • He all but admitted that the publishing house changed the label from fiction to non-fiction. Who cares one way or another.

    Folks lie like rugs for no good reason. This cat isn't the first and he won't be the last.

    By Blogger Max, at 12:51 AM  

  • But why Larry?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:13 AM  

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