Nancy Gurl, a place of boredom and wonder!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Bill Paxton, no one needs to see your TITANIC ass!!!!

Last night, Jim and I attempted watched HBOs BIG LOVE, immediately following the Sopranos (which btw is killing me softly with the Jetto-mind games). In case you were smart enough to change the channel after Tony's big playing dead hour, Big Love is HBOs new series about a modern day polygamy family and how some guy named Bill has to deal with raising and maintaining 3 families under one compound, I mean roof. But the show isn't really about that. It's about 3 wives who are jealous of one another. It's about 3 wives who schedule sex with their husband and then fight about it when the agenda fails them. It's about marriage taking place among four people and 3 bedrooms. It's about seeing Bill Paxton's ass all over my televison screen for 48 minutes.

I am not going to stand on my soapbox today and blog about the purity and sacred--ness of marriage. I am not. I believe that marriage is the union of two people--male/female, female/ female, male/male, but TWO people. So I stood on the soapbox....

What I am going to say is that this show is gross. No one needs to see Bill Paxton--a C class actor at best, in bed every five seconds with one of his wives. In one scene he gets caught doing wifey-1 by one of his children from wifey-2. Paxton's career is a Twister in an of itself. He is the other guy in every movie he has ever been in. You finally give this man a leading role and you pick a naked one at that?!?!?!?!!?

I mean if you wanted to create a soft porn show and surround it with a mediocre storyline than you should have been auditioning asses not actors, since that's all I was going to see.

I mean really, it's gross.


  • LOL
    I love it, dude. You should have been auditioning assess, not actors.
    Great point!

    By Blogger Coodence, at 2:50 PM  

  • the only good project Paxton was in was Weird Science, where he solidified himself in being typecast as a tool.

    Apollo 13 was a good movie though. Hard to deny that.

    By Blogger Buzz, at 12:07 PM  

  • I'll admit that this last episode was a tad disturbing but I kind of would like to see where the whole Roman thing goes... creepy cult.

    By Blogger Randi, at 8:31 PM  

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