Nancy Gurl, a place of boredom and wonder!

Friday, March 17, 2006

I think it's hilarious that catholicism has picked up its surfboard and is now riding the information highway. Religion online, it the most pathetic thing I have ever seen in my life.

Virtual Jesus is an an oxymoron.
Selling religion is even more ridiulous.
I have one friend who collects Mary and Jesus paraphernalia and I think that is the best and funniest thing I have ever heard. Nightlights, car fresheners, you name it.

Going forward, I think after I rant and rave on this blog, I am going to have a pay pal link where you can donate some cash. Similar to the basket that gets passed around on sundays by older men in blue suits who smell like Aqua Velva.


  • Me and Jesus are tight LIKETHIS. And I am totally that friend that collects. I adore my Buddy Christ and my Jesus pencil toppers...

    By Blogger Randi, at 1:10 PM  

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