David, I love you

It's no secret how I feel about David Blaine. Our love affair began the winter of 2000 when I dragged anyone who would go with me to see David incapsulated in ice in Times Square. At work, I had a real-time video window on my computer and would spend hours on end staring at his deliciousness. A few years later I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Blaine as he was walking to his next great defeat--standing on a pole in Bryant Park for 2 days and jumping off it.
David, you may not remember me, but I was the fanatic trying hard to remain my composure.
During this time I frequented the Bryant Park bar and restaurant and stared at your perfection.
With this came the books, videos and pictures I had purchased. Never being a teen who had posters lining her bedroom walls with the Karate Kid or the New Kids for that matter; at 23 I was star struck. He was my first celebrity crush and BOY what a crush to have. Friends and family laughed off my David Blaine obsession, but I was determined to know all I could about this amazing individual. I have always been intrigued by contortion and the unknown. I would read many books and view documentaries about prison life, the underworld and Houdini. David became an attachment to that.
Fast forward 3 more years (ALRIGHT, 5, I am old) and David's latest stunt was an underwater fantasy. I now dragged my soon to be husband to view my obsession. When we arrived hundreds of people were gathered. Jim could not understand what there was to see, but to me, David has created a following that surpasses many celebrites. His art installations are himself. The torture he puts himself through boggles. Me. Senseless.
So here is to you Mr. Blaine. I may be marrying the love of my life, but there is always room for you in this crazy brain of mine.
Peace and chicken grease
You are an odd duck my friend...
Sometimes you fool me and I forget how weird you are.
Anonymous, at 10:18 AM
You so Crazy.
Randi, at 8:31 PM
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