Nancy Gurl, a place of boredom and wonder!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I know I know It's been too long....

My life is crazy right now and I, unfortunately do not have a working computer to support my daily dose of rants and raves to this blog. I miss my morning diary more than I can stand it. I apologize to my fans who have now dwindled to me and my dog, Oscar.

Some things I feel I need to say:

I gotta love and hate this country I live in. A country that envokes people to spend millions making a movie about 9/11 and glorifing the survival of 2 people who made it when so many didn't. I think the whole thing is an urban legend. The two officers are MILLIONAIRES when I know of so many families who lost their family members that were waiters and kitchen staff in WOTW and have recieved nothing.

I appreciate that this country can only produce this movie and project $27.5 million in in't first weekend, BUT that Las Vegas is actually orchastrating bets on whether or not it can make the cut. Only in the USA

I hate wedding dress stores. Particularly the one where my girls bought their bridesmaids dresses from. I hate the word bridesmaid. Who the hell came up with such a lame ass word. I don't need a maid, I need someone to get shitty with me and wipe snot off my face. Those people are called FRIENDS. I hate getting constant run around.

Oh this just in: I also hate my new job. There. I said it. And it feels great to clear the air and be honest about it. PEOPLE are SWINE

Apartments in Manhattan are so expensive. I do not think we are EVER going to find a place to call "our" home. $2,800 a month? Are fucking mad? does it come with someone to wipe snot off my face?

And of course I would not be able to leave you all without a picture of the day. I for one have not been to the beach ONCE this entire bullshit of a summer, but if you see her, let her know I hope she has a red one waiting for me.

Peace out.