Nancy Gurl, a place of boredom and wonder!

Monday, August 29, 2005

Its been 7 hours and 15 days

Since I blogged. Okay okay much longer.
My hair is getting longer. ALL OF IT.

I went to fiancee's 10 year High school Reunion. I wonder if I will go to mine.

Discussion: the MTV music awards. A FAR CRY TO ANYTHING WORTH WATCHING EVER. It seems to me everyone is famous nowadays. Its fashionable to famous. Hollywood let EVERYONE in. Am I getting old or is Lindsay Lohan the UGLIEST gurl in the world? I would have destroyed her in college.

I mean really. Where has all the talent gone?
I think I need to lose a lot of weight. All I do is eat
I am almost at 150 days without a smoke. Go to anyone's 10 year High School reunion and trust me, you will want a cigarette too. It's like watch youth slip slowly through your fingertips.
Praise thy wrinkles
Praise thy fat

Thursday, August 04, 2005

My name is, my name is?

Talking wedding, no, wait....
Talking marriage.

Okay, okay so I am dealing with an interesting platform here, where and I am deciding on whether or not to take my fiancee's last name. Now I already own a good, solid, chill last name. Wouldn't mind a short last name, like Smith or a money last name like Carrington. I also have worked hard to PR my name. For example:
"___________" Student of the Month---1987
"____________" Employee of the Month-Olive Garden---1998
"___________" College Graduate, no cum Laude----2000
"___________" Events Director, Major PR firm, NYC--Present

I was bragging and babbling--sincerest apologies. Believe it or not though, I am actually considering going ahead with the entire "re-branding" if you will-he he
I mean if I am going to do it, why the hell, not go all the way, Ray

On another note--a firmwide email today reported someone in my office had a baby girl, she named her Annabelle Joilie

I want you to think long and hard about that above sentence.
I mean would you hire Annabelle to perform your open heart surgery or to star in your Class D adult compilation? Wait, am I judging? Jeez I am. I am sorry I just worked most of my life trying to change the pootr images of women. Annabelle is inappropriate.
and that's that

Maybe I got you aggravated, unerved, or maybe you got a chuckle bc I speak nonsense. Who knows......

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

have you seen my pup?

Oscar von Dupree
If you please--is a crazy pug of a pup. He loves to lick and jump and play.
He chases his tail very fast and looks like he is starring in the finale of Riverdance.
I am currently trying to hail down a gurlfriend for my pup, but I think he likes boys. Here is a picture with Oscar and his godmommy, Korndog.
He is a BEST of a pug. Do you like pugs?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I am getting what?!?!?!?!

hey man!
who knew???
I am getting hitched, going to the ol chapel, tying the never ending, running down the aisle, saying my "i do's"

who really knew

Soldier boy!!!!!!
um..not exactly.

So my first blog was actually the day the proposal came in--what to do
what to decide.

so all I have to do is:
pick a dress
find a band
eat some cake
take some pictures
find some flowers
invite some peeps
drink some vueve?

Planning has been exciting. I have been to and, they are super helpful, but the ladies on it are seriously OBSESSED with logistics. Jesus, on a moped!